This lab will give you review exercises in UNIX commands, file
systems, processes, and shell scripting. This will help you prepare
for the final exam.
If you get stuck, have a question or want to share something you learned with this lab then use the CIS 90 Forum at
Log into your home directory on Opus, and make a subdirectory
called review. Perform the following tasks and place the results of
any steps of your work into this directory.
- The UNIX operating system is often divided into three parts:
- The kernel (/boot/vmlinuz*)
- The shells (/bin/*sh)
- The commands (/bin/* /usr/bin/*)
Make one file, called unix, that contains a long listing of all these files.
Make sure this unix file ends up in your review directory. (See if you can avoid
duplicating any filenames in your list.)
- Copy the output of the man page for the banner command to
a file called banner.
- Find a way to list all the files in and under your home directory and save
the output to a file called myfiles.
- Find the file, linux.words; it's somewhere on the system. Record its
absolute pathname in a file called, news.
- Using the /etc/passwd file, mail yourself a list of all the accounts
that are set up for CIS 90. Then read your mail and save that message to a file
called mail90 in your review directory.
- See if you can figure out a way to run the banner command on
the output of the date command. Save the results to a file
called today.
- Save a list of all processes currently being run by root to a file called
processes. vi this file and remove any lines that contain a process whose
name does not end in the letter 'd'.
- You should now have 7 files in your review directory. Write a shell script that
will let me view these files one at a time. The shell script should let me view
the files as many times as I want before exiting the program. I want to be able to
run this program from anywhere on the system. Once you have tested and debugged this
program, copy it to the directory /home/rsimms/turnin/ naming it labx1.$LOGNAME. Make sure it is executable for me and that I can read your files. (I am a member of the cis90 group).
Congratulations! You've completed the Extra Credit Lab!