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Cabrillo College Linux Classes • View topic - ummm, Rich, how do I fix this one?

ummm, Rich, how do I fix this one?

Introduction to UNIX/Linux

ummm, Rich, how do I fix this one?

Postby janet tuma on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:02 pm

I'll log out and back in and keep my fingers crossed..... :oops:

/home/cis90/tumajan $ PATH=/home/roddyduk/bin
/home/cis90/tumajan $ echo $PATH
/home/cis90/tumajan $ PATH=$PATH:/home/roddyduk/bin
/home/cis90/tumajan $ echo $PATH
/home/cis90/tumajan $ PATH
-bash: PATH: command not found
/home/cis90/tumajan $ $PATH
-bash: /home/roddyduk/bin:/home/roddyduk/bin: No such file or directory
/home/cis90/tumajan $ ls -l
-bash: ls: command not found
janet tuma
Posts: 333
Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:07 pm

Re: ummm, Rich, how do I fix this one?

Postby Rich Simms on Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:35 pm

Yes, just reboot ... you clobbered your original PATH with the first command you entered. The bash start-up scripts will do their magic on your next login to reset your PATH variable.

After logging in again show the value of the PATH variable. It will have all the important directories like /bin and /usr/bin that hold the commands you use (like the ls command).

You can back up your PATH with PATHBACKUP=$PATH
Experiment with changing your path and if you clobber PATH again just reset it with PATH=$PATHBACKUP
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Rich Simms
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